Qubet  1.0
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Level Class Reference

This class rapresents a Level of Qubet, with its obstacle. It is able to draw itself simply using the draw function. It can also load the xml description file and parse it. More...

#include <level.h>

Inheritance diagram for Level:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Level:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Level (QString _name, GLfloat _length, GLfloat _width, QObject *_parent=0, Skin *_asphaltSkin=NULL)
 Creates a level from an id, a name, a length and a width. It is used to create a new Level from the LevelEditor. More...
 Level (QString _filename, QObject *_parent=0, Skin *_asphaltSkin=NULL)
 Creates a Level from a filename. It is used in the Loader. More...
 ~Level ()
 Safely destroies a Level instance.
QString getFilename ()
 Returns the filename of the Level. More...
void setFilename (QString _filename)
 Set the Level filename. More...
QString getName ()
 Returns the name of the Level. More...
void setName (QString _name)
 Set the name of the Level. More...
bool getIsInStory ()
 Returns the a variable that states if the Level is in the story. More...
void setIsInStory (bool _isInStory)
 Set the a variable that states if the Level is in the story. More...
GLfloat getWidth ()
 Returns the width of the Level. More...
GLfloat getLength ()
 Returns the length of the Level. More...
GLfloat getGravity ()
 Returns the gravity of the Level. More...
GLvoid setGravity (GLfloat _gravity)
 Set the gravity of the Level. More...
QString getAmbientMusicFilename ()
 Returns the ambient Music Filename. More...
QString getSkyboxName ()
 Returns the Skybox Name. More...
void addObstacle (Obstacle *_obstacle)
 Adds an obstacle to the Level. More...
void deleteObstacle (GLint _id)
 Deletes an obstacle. More...
void moveObstacle (GLint _id, Vector3f *newCell)
 Moves an obstacle to a new position. More...
QMap< GLint, Obstacle * > getObstaclesList ()
 Returns the Level's Obstacles List. More...
bool load ()
 Loads the Level from xml form using the filename as input. More...
bool save (bool *newlyCreated=0)
 Saves the Level in a xml form using the filename as output. More...
GLvoid draw (GLboolean simplifyForPicking)
 Draws the Level and its obstacles. More...
GLint getObstacleListCount ()
 Returns the number of obstacles in the level. More...
GLvoid clearObstaclesList ()
 Returns the number of obstacles in the level.
GLvoid clearTempObstaclesList ()
 Clears the not saves obstacles.

Private Attributes

QString filename
QString name
bool isInStory
QMap< GLint, Obstacle * > obstaclesList
QMap< GLint, Obstacle * > tempObstaclesList
GLint length
GLint width
GLfloat gravity
QString ambientMusicFilename
QString skyboxName
GLint currentObstacleId
bool isLoaded

Detailed Description

This class rapresents a Level of Qubet, with its obstacle. It is able to draw itself simply using the draw function. It can also load the xml description file and parse it.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Level::Level ( QString  _name,
GLfloat  _length,
GLfloat  _width,
QObject _parent = 0,
Skin _asphaltSkin = NULL 

Creates a level from an id, a name, a length and a width. It is used to create a new Level from the LevelEditor.

_nameis the name of the Level.
_lengthis the length of the Level.
_widthis the width of the Level.
_parentis the parent of the Level.
_asphaltSkinis the asphalt Skin for the Level.
Level::Level ( QString  _filename,
QObject _parent = 0,
Skin _asphaltSkin = NULL 

Creates a Level from a filename. It is used in the Loader.

_filenameis the filename to load.
_parentis the parent of the Level.
_asphaltSkinis the asphalt Skin for the Level.

Member Function Documentation

void Level::addObstacle ( Obstacle _obstacle)

Adds an obstacle to the Level.

_obstacleis the obstacle to add.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Level::deleteObstacle ( GLint  _id)

Deletes an obstacle.

_idis the obstacle id.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GLvoid Level::draw ( GLboolean  simplifyForPicking)

Draws the Level and its obstacles.

simplifyForPickingis used to state if you want to draw it simplified.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QString Level::getAmbientMusicFilename ( )

Returns the ambient Music Filename.

the ambientMusicFilename.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QString Level::getFilename ( )

Returns the filename of the Level.

the filename of the Level.
GLfloat Level::getGravity ( )

Returns the gravity of the Level.

the gravity of the Level.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool Level::getIsInStory ( )

Returns the a variable that states if the Level is in the story.

true if the Level is in the story, else false.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GLfloat Level::getLength ( )

Returns the length of the Level.

the length of the Level.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QString Level::getName ( )

Returns the name of the Level.

the name of the Level.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GLint Level::getObstacleListCount ( )

Returns the number of obstacles in the level.

the number of obstacles in the level.
QMap< GLint, Obstacle * > Level::getObstaclesList ( )

Returns the Level's Obstacles List.

the Level's Obstacles List.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

QString Level::getSkyboxName ( )

Returns the Skybox Name.

the skyboxName.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GLfloat Level::getWidth ( )

Returns the width of the Level.

the width of the Level.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool Level::load ( )

Loads the Level from xml form using the filename as input.

true if the load is successful, else false.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Level::moveObstacle ( GLint  _id,
Vector3f newCell 

Moves an obstacle to a new position.

_idis the id of the obstacle to move.
newCellis the new cell.
bool Level::save ( bool *  newlyCreated = 0)

Saves the Level in a xml form using the filename as output.

newlyCreatedis the return variable that is true is the level has been newly created, else false.
true if save is successful, else false.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Level::setFilename ( QString  _filename)

Set the Level filename.

_filenameis the filename to set.
GLvoid Level::setGravity ( GLfloat  _gravity)

Set the gravity of the Level.

_gravityis the new gravity of the Level.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Level::setIsInStory ( bool  _isInStory)

Set the a variable that states if the Level is in the story.

_isInStoryis the variable to set. (true if the Level is in the story, else false).

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Level::setName ( QString  _name)

Set the name of the Level.

_nameis the name to set.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

QString Level::ambientMusicFilename

It is the Level ambient music filename.

Skin* Level::asphaltSkin

It is the asphalt Skin.

GLint Level::currentObstacleId

It is the current Obstacle Id (used to generate new IDs).

QString Level::filename

It is the Level xml description filename.

GLfloat Level::gravity

It is the Level gravity.

bool Level::isInStory

It is the variable that states if the Level is in the story.

bool Level::isLoaded

It is the variable that states if the level has already been fully loaded.

GLint Level::length

It is the Level length.

QString Level::name

It is the Level name.

QMap<GLint,Obstacle*> Level::obstaclesList

It is the Level List of obstacles.

QObject* Level::parent

It is the parent of Level.

QString Level::skyboxName

It is the name of the skybox to use.

QMap<GLint,Obstacle*> Level::tempObstaclesList

It is the Level List of obstacles.

GLint Level::width

It is the Level width.

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