Qubet  1.0
The ultimate QGL addicting videogame!
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCActionListThis class is used to keep track of actions to do. For example it can keep track of current view scrolling movement, or cube rotations
oCAlphabetThis class is used to keep a list of Letter (from this the name Alphabet) It provide access to Letter function such as appending textures to a Letter and getting textures from a Letter
oCAudioManagerIt is a semi-thread class to manage the audio of Qubet. It can manage an ambientMusic and different effects
oCCubeThis class rapresents the player's Cube
oCCubeStringThis class is used to draw, a string composed the horizontal justapposition of Different cubes on which the skin is a letter that compose the string. Letters are generated from an instance of the class Alphabet
oCCubeStringListThis class is used to draw a vertical list of CubeString. Look at CubeString to have a better specification of the class
oCGameIt is the Game Class
oCLetterThis class rapresents a single Letter (or number or special character), with a list of textures that graphically rapresents the letter
oCLevelThis class rapresents a Level of Qubet, with its obstacle. It is able to draw itself simply using the draw function. It can also load the xml description file and parse it
oCLevelEditorThis the LevelEditor Class
oCMenuMenu class used to show and manage the game menu
oCObstacleThis class rapresents an Obstacle
oCPositionControllerPositionController Class check if the cube has a collision with obstacles
oCQubetThis class rapresents an instance of the QGLWidget Qubet. It is the game
oCSkinIt is the Skin Class
oCSkyboxIt is the Skybox Class
oCVector3fStructure that rapresents a Vector of float in a 3-D space
\CWindowThis class is the QMainWindow, it is used to contain Qubet widget